It is not only since the development of the Sustainable Development Goals and the emergence of the Fridays for Future movement that companies are increasingly being held accountable for climate protection. Contributions to climate protection also bring a competitive advantage if they are planned sustainably and include ecological opportunities and risks.
In order to better define and elaborate your company’s climate strategy, it is helpful to analyse the carbon footprint, e.g. using the Science Based Tar-gets method. A carbon footprint can be created for the entire company, only for one product or for one event. From this, the relevant processes can be identified and options for action can be worked out.
The carbon footprint reveals the sum of all climate relevant gases emitted e.g. by a product over its entire life cycle. We then use the most applicable standards for the assessment: PAS 2050, GHG Protocols, ISO 14 040, etc.
The carbon footprint permits an objective assessment of climate protection measures and provides the options of emission credits, CO2-neutral products, CDM projects, etc. In addition, it provides easily communicated statistics.
Our procedure is consistent with the Life Cycle Assessment but with a focus on climate impacts (greenhouse potential):
- Establishing the objectives, system boundaries, and suitable methods;
- Collection of data and calculation of the emissions;
- Compilation of a detailed carbon footprint balance sheet;
- Analysis of the relevant emission factors;
- Identification of management options, measures and recommendations;
- Support during the implementation of measures, monitoring and report preparation.